Sunday, July 16, 2006

Chula Vista

I've been on vacation in California with limited internet access. I've been touring Southern California seeing old friends and family. I'm emotionally and physically drained right now and ended up spending my last night here with Lencho at his place with some vodka and beer, just like the old days. I don't want to write everything that is going through my head right now, it's too much, this town and people and family. All I can say is that....

I'm not of this town anymore,
she let me fly away
she won't let me back
I thank her for my freedom
wish that everyone else got out too
not sure who changed more
me or this town,
or not at all for both
I drove around and knew this place,
but I don't know this place anymore
The streets were like an old lover
whom I laid with once,
strangely familiar yet so many different
tricks and nuances that were not learned
I sadly moved in and out of the crowds
unnoticed and alone.
I am not of this town

This pretty much sums up most of the trip, I'll post pics and bios on everyone when I get back to NYC, got to get back to the Lencho!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


My aching head!! I went and saw Madonna last night with Roommate and then we went out! I can't think, the room is spinning... I'm SO not drinking today. I'll post more later..
