Tuesday, January 31, 2006


So Roommate and I watched The Ring 2, and let me tell you! We screamed like little sissies on Sunday night! It wasn't that it was scary, I just don't like things jumping out at me. Not much else to write about, been working like crazy and I know that I signed up for this gig, but sometimes I wish that I just had some more time free. I want to be able to run errands and go to the gym, hell even try and take a dance class again. ERK! I'm bitching, sorry. I'm still at work and I haven't even had lunch yet, I got to leave my desk for an hour today though. I took an underage girl to see Prada today, I thought that I would get to go inside at the offices and make some connections, but I was relegated to sitting outside with the other mothers. Lucky for me that I brought a magazine. Hmm, #3 is in San Fran, doing the training that I got to go to last year. Here are some pictures of some hot men that I came across the other day. His name is Ryan, and he's represented through Click models out of Boston. HOT!!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

All alone on a Sunday Morning...

I'm at work right now, Fashion Week is upon us, and I had to come to man the fort and finish up some work that I've been trying to finish for a week. I don't have much to write about, so I'll leave you with some pictures of the model that I'm in love with right now. His name is Tristan, and I thank my lucky stars each day that we don't represent men anymore, because I would've been fired a long time ago.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Moving day.

This past week as been really busy trying to get ready for Fashion Week and also having to move our offices uptown. Today was the day to pack everything up and it was total chaos. After 20 years of being in the same building there was a lot of dust and who knows what built up all around. I kept saying that we should just leave it behind and buy new stuff, but we have to drag most of our old stuff with us. I'm tired of being moving boy, and we have to be at work early to learn how to use the new phone system. I know that I've been a BAD blogger, but I promise to get caught up over the weekend.


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Brooklyn!? How'd I get here!?

I had been invited to hang out with the Photographer on Friday night in Brooklyn to watch one of his friends perform. I just didn't want to travel to Williamsburg at midnight to see his set, even if it was to hang out with a hot guy. So I decided to hang out with #3 and Dad, I felt that hanging out and having dinner and drinks would be so much better. I ran uptown after work and it felt good to hug and see my friends that I hadn't seen in over two weeks, there was a lot of catching up to do. #3 ordered BBQ and popped open $300 worth of wine while we ate and played a fun game of Scrabble. We started talking about Photographer and one thing lead to another and Dad packed us up into the White Whale and off we went to Brooklyn to this bar/restaurant called the Monkey Room. I was little bit nervous because the three off us were way out of our element in some strange bar with a different community of freaks than we're used to. AND, #3 and I were pretty hammered when we got there, luckily Dad was the sober one and had his wits about him. We rolled up to the place like we owned it and I felt like I was in my neighborhood with the occasional punk, scenester, faggot, electro, emo, hipster, fashionistas that I run around with on daily basis. It was already past 1am when we got there and luckily we found him on the balcony with his performer friend and the DJ, which we weren't supposed to be on, we just ran up there like we belonged. He still looked great and I instantly fell in love again, he was so excited to have me there and introduced me to everyone that he could. While I was making small talk with him and Dad, #3 being the fierce sister that he is, made friends with one of the Photographer's female friends and took her to the bar to get some much needed info. He returned less than five minutes later and whispered in my ear.
"You've got a husband standing next to you." He smirked and hugged me.
"Huh!? Que?" I stammered, the whole time smiling like he just told me a joke.
"I asked that girl how the performer and your man knew each other and she said that they used to date!" He said this and a stream of golden light came out of the sky and shone on my face and little butterflies flitted about my head.
"Are you sure!?" I just saw us having a Valentine's dinner and exchanging gifts.
"Honey, of course I am, he's into you!" That's all the reassurance that I needed, let the freaking games begin, I traveled all the way to Brooklyn to find me a man and it was worth it! We had some more drinks and Tequila shots, that were horrible, and those pushed me over the edge. We caught his friends set and his music was interesting, very experimental and loud. It was a quick set and we sat down to have some more drinks, we went outside to have a smoke and talk shop and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, great style and beautiful skin.
"How old are you?" I finally asked the other question that I wanted to know. He looked at me like he was afraid to tell me the real answer and then he stammered.
"27, don't tell anyone that I told you that, I don't tell anyone my age." I felt very privileged to have been given this secret, and I was happy as shit to know that he truly was around my age. After that we went back inside and I was texting Manny, because he wanted to know the truth as well. So he was coaching me with what to ask him to get him to tell me the truth. I also couldn't shake the feeling that he was lying to me about his age, something wasn't right and my powers are usually on about something like that.
"Let me see your ID, I want to look at the picture." I smiled, feeling very proud of myself for coming up with that lie.
" I don't have one, I lost it a while back." He responded quickly, a little too quickly for me.
" Then what are you walking around with for an ID? You had to get in with one?" Checkmate handsome, try to get yourself out of that one.
"My passport." He quietly answered, he went to find it and asked another one of his female friends in his posse to get it for him since she was carrying it in her purse. He handed it to me and told me that the picture wasn't that good. I looked at the damn thing and flipped out when I saw that his birthday was May 1976!
"You're 29!" I screamed at him, a little to loudly.
"Shhh, it's a state of mind."
" 29 is not bad, I'm 28. You're only one year older than me."
" A year and a half." He quickly said. "You just turned 28." I guess he's been doing math, or actually thought about our age difference. A good sign telling me that he thinks about me. At the same time, Manny sent me text to ask him who he was dating.
" So, are you dating anyone at the moment?" I held my breath.
"Yeah, her." He pointed the beautiful Ukrainian girl that had his passport in her purse. My heart stopped, had this been a musical, a chandelier or an helicopter would have fell out of the sky. I would've jumped onto the table and screamed out a showstopping number about my love for him and how I couldn't live without him. Instead, without missing a beat.
"COOL! She's SO beautiful." Ugh, I lied. After so many years of being dead inside, my finally thawed heart was shattered into a million little pieces and spat upon the floor. After that we danced around for a while and I told him that he probably needed to get home, it was well after 3am and he had an 8am call time. We couldn't find him anymore and #3 was a mess so we decided to just call it a night and head home. As we walked back to the car it began to rain, once again New York was intuned with my emotions, showing everyone what I felt on the inside. Dad told me that maybe he was just being nice and networking. #3 said that he was lying, why would his friend have given up that juicey tidbit and not been telling the truth about his exboyfriend? With the rain falling on the White Whale, we ran away from Brooklyn. Dad made me feel better, in his supportive way, and I'm sure that #3 would have been hold back my hair while I cried if he wasn't passed out in the front seat. I bought some water and some chips that would help soak up some of the alcohol that I had ingested, and thought about my imaginary breakup with the man of my dreams. He woke me up with a call in the afternoon to make sure that I was feeling alright, he had wanted to know what had happened to us and to let me know that he had a great time. I told him that I also had a great time, and I did, until I found out that he was either bisexual or liar or possibly both. He's a very talented photographer and we will be using his services at the agency, I'm sure that we'll grow to be great friends. But on Saturday all I wanted to do was sleep. It was snowing and cold and I felt like shit. I stayed home and ordered food and a movie and waited until Roommate came home. He gave me a shoulder to whine on and patted me on my head and told me that everything will be alright. So this morning we got up and we went to brunch with Dan from Project Runway and his roommate, and Flaca came along to. I had three mimosas and a great meal. It was good company and it proved that the thing with Photographer makes for a great brunch story. In the end, that's what life is all about, isn't it?
Maybe I should have one more mimosa, just to make sure....df.

Friday, January 13, 2006


So I'm getting my groove on catwalking across the agency to the accounting department to get some paperwork. And I'm being fierce, feeling the holleration and looking pretty damn good, and I'm thinking that I can teach any bitch how to walk and work it out! And as I pass everyone along the way they all have this look of "What is he doing?" And everyone is giggling, which is what they always do. I enter into the accounting dept at the height of the haternation and Mary J. Blige is giving it to me. And this is what I hear from the left of me...
"You better work, Ms. Thang.." I turn around and guess who is standing there? None other than Ms. Jay Alexander from America's Next Top Model. I jumped, and grabbed my sweater around me like an old lady that was just caught walking around her house in her chonies by a neighbor.
" I didn't know that we had a guest!" I stammered and starting to walk away, quickly.
" It's was cute though..." He said as I ran back to my desk, my face the same color as a cherry Gummi Bear.
Umhmmm, all this and I haven't even had a cocktail yet...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The number 4.

Growing up with a very frugal Mexican father I always dreaded/cherished the few times that I got to spend alone with him. I am the oldest son, and by right, a few quality moments were granted to me every so often. For some reason or another they always somehow taught me the value of a dollar, or rather, how to stretch it out so hard that a booger would come out of George Washington's nose. My father, "The King of Garage Sales" and me the faithful "Prince". I would be dragged all over the place to get a deal, yard sales, auctions, El Swapmeet, and even to estate sales where I wouldn't know until much later that all the buried treasure that my father would acquire to resell at El Swapmeet, came from dead people. My father who would bring his own tortas and tacos into the dollar Tuesday at the fourth run movie theatre The Vogue on 3rd Ave. Everyone else would get a bucket of popcorn and a soda, and we would have tortas de frijole con tosino and a AMPM refillable sports bottle that we would get for only fifty cents. He would take me for an all day extravaganza, sometimes they would show three movies in a row, back to back. There was only one theatre, and two sad arcade games that I would wander to if the movie was ever boring. Once my father, ever the salesman, turned a profit by selling some tacos and a torta to a family from Tijuana who smelled our food and wasn't to proud to eat it like I sometimes pretended to be. But the greatest joy for me was that time once a month when my hair would grow past my ear and my sideburns would reach out like hairy animals from the side of my head. It was my dad's curse to have sons that were destined to be giants compared to him and to have inherited the Indio from my mom's side, and grow hair from our heads like some wild beast. You see, my father went bald at an early age, I never knew my father to have a full head of hair. So to have all his sons have such good, strong hair was something that he was very proud of. My father came from the time of jitterbugs and pompadours, he would subjugate us to 1950's doo wop music that was in either in English or translated into Spanish. He taught me how to comb my hair to look like Elvis, and he secretly called me that because I would curl my lip and shake my legs like him. He taught me about pomades, and how lucky I was that I was born with a widow's peak, because women used to love that about him! So it was a major faux pas when I ran around looking like a surly savage, the minute that happened it was time to head to the barber shop! I loved to hate that place, with the smell of the hair tonics and the powders and mirrors where you could see yourself at every angle and practice your Elvis lip curl. The bad thing about that about that place was that it was in Tijuana and meant that I would leave the safety of my cherished Chula Vista, where the kids my age didn't scare the hell out of me, or try to sell me gum. Just me and my dad, he would load me up into the Chevy and we would drive over to the same barbershop that my dad had been going to for who knows how long. The same four barbers who knew my father by name would always greet us and marvel at how long my hair was and how tall I was getting. This place was filled with faded old pictures of hairstyles long forgotten. There were these headshots of men and boys with sad smiles and shiny hair that customers would point at, and the man with the shears would cut your mop into that same look, with precise practice. My dad had his favorite man to cut his hair and was surprise to know at age six that I had my favorite as well. It wasn't his guy that laughed at all my dad's jokes, and wore the tight smock that barely held in his beer gut. No, my guy had the penultimate chair, towards the right. I chose him because he had salt and pepper hair that was very trim and neat, and he had many gold rings on both hands that made him look like a wizard when he cut people's hair. He also had the most pictures around his mirror. But the main reason that I chose this guy was for the chair alone, it reflected the sun off car's windshield when they made a left turn onto the street, so the sun beams would illuminate my face and make me look like I was onstage like Elvis. It was my own ghetto spotlight, and I felt like a star. I always got the same haircut, the number four. On the chart there was this picture of this kid that I thought looked like me, so I figured that I had to have too. My secret wish was that one day they would notice that I looked better in that haircut and put my picture up, and then all the little boys would be asking for the number four, which was my lucky number. That's why I needed the extra light, even at a young age I knew that I looked better in natural lighting.
The man, who's name escapes me now, knew my head. He said that all the cowlicks on my scalp were like a map that guided him on how to cut my hair so it would lay right. I always had many questions for him and he always answered, and vice versa. He would ask me about school, my family members and how many girlfriends I had. I would try to answer as best as possible and would sometimes get a laugh from all the men in the shop when I would be answer a question as honestly as possible.
"Tienes novia?" He would ask with his gold tooth and his rings playing in my hair like a goldminer in a stream.
"No." I would answer in voice a little to high for a boy.
"Y por que no?" Why not!? I would think, I would hate this question that would always come up and I never knew how to answer him.
"Por que no me gustan." There, I said it, I didn't like girls. I came out to the world without knowing it at age seven. I told all the men in that barbershop that I didn't like girls, not because I was gay, but because girls were my friends and I liked them okay, I just didn't want a girlfriend.
"Don't worry, with the cut that I give you, all the girls are gonna fall in love with you!" Immense laughter would fill the shop and I didn't realize that he had misunderstood my Spanish and heard that "Girls don't like ME." So he would continue my number four and I would always wait to hear his compliment on how still and well I acted in the chair. I always sat straight, even with that stupid booster seat that meant I was child, I sat and held my head just so, to anticipate his every move. He would barely have to touch my head and I knew to lower my chin, or how far to tilt my head to one side. I was sure that this man would use me as an example to other little boys when pointing to my picture on the wall and tell them that I was never told to sit still or to stop crying. And the end was always the test of my powers, as he would sharpen an old straight razor with this leather belt that hung from the wall, it was a slow show of his artistry when he would drag it across back and forth. I would up the ante with my special ability that I knew that no other boy my age possessed in that country or mine. I was addicted to the television show That's Incredible!, a show about humans and there amazing feats. I had once watched an episode where this guy held the record for being able to hold still without blinking for hours! He would just stand in one place and people would think that he was a statue or something and then when they least expected it, ZAZZ! He would jump out and scare the caca out of them. So I would start my statue mutant power where I wouldn't move, I would barely breathe while he ran that razor around the nape of my neck and shaped me up. I would only stare into the mirror and concentrate on his golden fingers, playing a mental game that only he and I knew existed. It was a power struggle, I was He-Man and he was Skeletor. I would win straight out if it wasn't for that damn reflection from the sun, why didn't I ever remember about that? I would force my eyes open when that beam would come across, no sign of weakness, ever! It would quickly end, and the alcohol and the powder with the brush would come across my neck and shoulders. I would be brushed off of stray hairs with another brush, and massaged with a machine that would fit over his fingers that he would rub on my back and make my teeth chatter. I never knew how much those cuts cost, but they were priceless to me. They became less private with the birth of every brother, and they didn't have my demeanor when it came to getting my hair did. As I got older I outgrew the number four, and was surprised when my barber told me he didn't know how to cut my hair like Richard Grieco, even when I brought a picture from my own Tigerbeat. He was afraid that he wouldn't get it right, and advised me that maybe it was time for me to go to a salon. I knew that he was looking at my long bangs and ripped up jeans, and was upset when I asked for mousse instead of his favorite pomade, Three Flowers. I was 12 when I outgrew the number four, and my father started letting my cousin Maricela, who was going to beauty school in Tijuana, cut my hair. I miss those simple days, with my dad. So last night I asked my Roommate to finally cut my shaggy hair. I wanted a short boy cut, and when I explained what I wanted he gave me an updated version of the number four. He did a great job, my dad would approve. DF.

*For Lencho, hope you like it...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Tuesday Night...

So Roommate and I have made up, we're best friends again. Saturday night was a fun night to go out with our heathens and just go crazy for a bit. I was a hot mess on Sunday though, I didn't leave the house, I just puttered about being lazy catching up with old friends on MySpace. I was just resting because I knew what lay ahead of me this week. Since the unforeseen departure of my best mate at work I've been kinda filling in where she left off, but without much help. See where I work, there isn't a real structured sort of way to do things, you don't have time to think. You just sort have to make up as you go along and hope that it works out or your gone. I've been doing alright, considering that this part of the job that I'm in charge of now I never had any interest in at all, so I've basically plugged my nose and jumped off the high dive with Olympic level divers and there's me with my floaties doing the dogpaddle! It also doesn't make matters better that I'm also expected to do both my job duties and do them well, especially when the other two people who work with me are on the west coast and in Brazil. So there I am, having to do all these flips and shit off this diving board, when all I'm really good at are cannon balls and belly flops. Take for instances yesterday afternoon, after having a quick meeting with my boss where I learned that I was doing a lot of things wrong, I had run what is called "Open Calls". Open Calls is when our agency let's whatever wanabe model come and ask to be represented by us. It's almost like when a big Broadway show has a huge audition and everything and anything comes and tries out. I'll have to post the email that I wrote my best friends Lencho while we're were supposed to be working, it's the funniest description that I've ever written because I was SO frustrated! I had something like 50 to 60 girls so up, and even some cute guys! But alas, we only rep women! I walked out and I felt like one of the judges on American Idol, and all I kept thinking was who am I gonna be today? Paula or Simon? I've been to ALOT of auditions in my day and I know what it's like to stand in line and have someone take one look at you and say NO right away, so I played the part of Paula this time around. I called upon my powers of working in one of the busiest cosmetics stores in the U.S. and also my great acting skills, I mixed in a couple of dashes of ersatz caring and understanding, I sipped some water, popped and Advil and worked my piece of gum like there was no tomorrow! I smiled at each and every one of those girls. I made the trolliest of the troll feel like a superstar! All these poor girls wanting to be models, not because it's their passion, but " All my friends say I should be a model..." Well, you better get new friends, cuz my friends always tell me the truth, they say "Fina, you a bitter old queen and Lord knows we love you! But we can't stand having you around our boyfriends, you're too beautiful and we're afraid that you're gonna steal our husbands, so mija, you gots to go!" And that my queridos is why I don't have any friends...but I digress. Where was I? Oh, yeah, the "models". Not one of the other people in the office offered to help with my zoo, I was all alone against a herd of America's Next Tacky Model. Needless to say, I got through all the girls, not even finding one good candidate, I mean even the best of the worst is, doesn't compare with some of the girls that we have on our boards. And the sad thing is, these girls are not ugly or hideous, most are of above average beauty, and even then it's not enough. Being above 5'9" does not make you it model, and trying to tell me that you're 5'8" when you're really 5'6" is not gonna work, if I stand up and you're still shorter than me and your wearing heels, you've got to go! The same goes to my women who are over six feet! I never played basketball and I'm not gonna start coaching the next WNBA team neither! I've had a hell of a week and it's only Tuesday! I can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings, it should be fun! I blame Tyra Banks.
Night! df..

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Here we go again.....!

Roommate woke me out of nap and now I'm getting ready to go out!! Scissor Sisters are playing in the background and I'm getting cute! Fun, fun! I'll let you know in the morning all my escapades!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hey........ Is anybody out there?...

So I survived a very chill NYE, and went back to work yesterday with no problem, except that everyone in my division was absent and I was the only one there to take all the heat from the last two weeks. But all in all it was a great day. Came home and Hollywood took me out to a belated birthday dinner at a local joint by in our 'hood, and we had a few beers and headed back to her place with a sixpack and had a few more. I didn't get to bed until about 2am and I was feeling pretty good, Roommate was in Queens attached to his boyfriend, so I had sometime alone. Ran to work and had a good day, I got through most of the goals that I set for myself and I felt very accomplished, was very happy to have all of my boys back. Manny and I decided to grab a bite and we walked to the East Village and waited for Nomad to meet up with us for dinner. I had a great chat with Manny and he put me at ease with some of the issues that I was having at work. We ended up walking home after dinner and I got home in time to catch Project Runway, fun episode, and Roommate's boyfriend was here and they ended up fighting and I think that Roommate might have redirected his anger at me because his man wanted to have cigarette before bed and I agreed to go to the roof with him because he asked me. I commend the twink for standing his ground after Roommate told him that he would have to leave, so he got totally dressed and was heading out and Roommate fell for his bluff and he said that he could come back after his smoke, meanwhile I just sat here feeling very angry that I was just forced to be a part of their fucked up relationship. And to top it all off, when he goes to the roof I ask Roommate if I can go too, and he replies with " I don't want to talk to you...." WHAT!!!! FUCK YOU!!! I'm not the one that is SO fucking controlling that I get upset when I don't get my way! I didn't say anything because I knew that he was lashing out at me, but I know that he's going to try and blame on me, like his boyfriend is some child that I have to help him protect instead of his partner that is slowly wriggling free from his talons. I think that he needs to reevaluate his relationship, this shit just ruined my night!! URG! I was all set to write some inspirational shit about life and the new year and my goals...fuck that, I have half the mind to just pack my shit up and go couch surf for a few days and give him the silent treatment, if only I wasn't broke.
My life is SO hard...
night. df