Friday, October 27, 2006

LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I had a crazy dream last night. I dreamed that I was in some sort of car chase with the cops, only instead of a car I was in a bed on wheels that went really fast! Think bed knobs and broomsticks mixed with Dukes of Hazard. But the really weird part was not the bed race, not by a long shot. It was when at some point in the chase I see these playground teens playing hoops and they notice me screaming like a girl and they call me a fag when my bed was at a red light, I don't know why I adhered to the traffic laws, I guess I was just a good mattress driver. Anyhow, so they call me fag and I hear them say "Let's go kick that fags ass!" And they started coming towards me and my friends on the bed, cause apparently now all my gay friends were sitting on the mattress with me, must of been a queen size! Okay, so I jump out of the bed and run towards them, not knowing what was going down, all I knew was that I was going to beat some ass on these kids for what they done did to Kevin Aviance! So I run up to them and I confront them and make them stop their assault before it even starts, I speak about the human race and humankindness, I speak about love and respect, I sounded like a goddamn telethon! So in the end I made the boys cry and they apologized and then I cried and it was all good!! I guess you shouldn't fall asleep with the news talking about New Jersey and gay marriage laws.
Had a good day at work, still at the office, on my way to magazine party!!


**Sammyboots is coming to spend Halloween with me..I'm scared!!

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Saw the Scissor Sisters last night!! It was awesome!! Tam gave me tickets and I took Roommate. Just got home from seeing Running with Scissors, and Roommate couldn't give me a haircut because he forgot his scissors at work!! I do see a trend here, I wonder what it means?
I've missed writing, I forgot how therapeutic this blog was for me.
Today was a great day, hated the movie, loved the book. Nursed another hang over, slept in, and ate. It's getting cold, and my friend Gabbycakes had his 29th birthday today. I'm ready for bed.


Friday, October 20, 2006

Hips don't Lie....

So I told the photographer everything last night. I professed my love for him and he bought me a falafel. He told me that he was straight, I told him that I wanted to be with him and make him happy. He said that I needed to eat, fucking alcohol! Why did I drink SO much last night?! He wanted to see me dance.

"Dance for me. Show me how you dance!" Hips don't lie played in the background as I did my dance of the seven veils. Shakira was singing about her lovely body parts and my hips told him the truth. With one body roll my hips, and body told him everything!

You know when you wake up and the first thing that comes to your mind is "What did I say?! What did I do?!" Yup, it was one of those nights. I'm a fucking idiot.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Arch de Triomphe

Went sight seeing with one of my models Kara, here are some fun snaps of the Arch de Triomphe. It's right around the corner from my hotel, we went over to go the top and we bought some tickets and then realized that we had to walk all the way up!! WHOO!! That was all my exercise for the trip right there!! Here you go!!

Paris Baby!!

I'm in Paris right now, having been here for a few days. Tyring to recover from Milan and New York Fashion Weeks is tough!! I'm coughing up I don't know what and I feel like crap. I'm taking a lot of pictures that I can, hopefully, have time to upload later. I'm just lucky to finally have an internet connection that works really well. Running around this city is amazing!! I don't know if I could live here though, most Parisians don't care for Americans, that's why I run around and tell everyone that I'm from Mexico. Ummhmmmm, que?
Here's a little bit of drama for yo' momma. Photographer is here in Paris working, and he's spent a considerable amount of time in my room, hanging out and staying over. It's now what you think, he comes over, we got out to eat and then we lay in bed and talk about our pasts. Then we fall asleep holding hands and wake up in the morning, like and old married couple. I watch the news and he reads the paper. Nothing, that's it. I think that's all there ever is going to be, I'm totally in love with this man and I'm sure that he knows it, I'm just scared to talk to him about it.
I've been running around backstage at most shows, today is almost a free day, but I just want to sleep and get better. I want post more later on, I can't wait to get home..


Me in Milan!!