Friday, March 31, 2006

"You look great, and you know it!"

This was the fortune that came with my lunch today. Hmm, how appropriate that is the one that I got! After a week of feeling less than and blaming everything on the damn solar eclipse, I feel pretty good today. Other than feeling dizzy all day from a fun night with Hollywood, we sat on my bed and vented and had 420, like a couple of teenagers. I don't normally hang out and do that, nor did I do that as a teenager, I was a total goody-goody. But after the past couple of days that I had, well I had too. It was fun, the weather was great and we laughed our asses off. We ate everything in my apartment and I passed out and woke up so refreshed and happy that nothing has been bothering me today. Roommate is still in Miami and I don't know what to do with my time, I'm running around this weekend, got a trip to Philly planned. Okay, gotta run!!

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