Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Tuesday Night...

So Roommate and I have made up, we're best friends again. Saturday night was a fun night to go out with our heathens and just go crazy for a bit. I was a hot mess on Sunday though, I didn't leave the house, I just puttered about being lazy catching up with old friends on MySpace. I was just resting because I knew what lay ahead of me this week. Since the unforeseen departure of my best mate at work I've been kinda filling in where she left off, but without much help. See where I work, there isn't a real structured sort of way to do things, you don't have time to think. You just sort have to make up as you go along and hope that it works out or your gone. I've been doing alright, considering that this part of the job that I'm in charge of now I never had any interest in at all, so I've basically plugged my nose and jumped off the high dive with Olympic level divers and there's me with my floaties doing the dogpaddle! It also doesn't make matters better that I'm also expected to do both my job duties and do them well, especially when the other two people who work with me are on the west coast and in Brazil. So there I am, having to do all these flips and shit off this diving board, when all I'm really good at are cannon balls and belly flops. Take for instances yesterday afternoon, after having a quick meeting with my boss where I learned that I was doing a lot of things wrong, I had run what is called "Open Calls". Open Calls is when our agency let's whatever wanabe model come and ask to be represented by us. It's almost like when a big Broadway show has a huge audition and everything and anything comes and tries out. I'll have to post the email that I wrote my best friends Lencho while we're were supposed to be working, it's the funniest description that I've ever written because I was SO frustrated! I had something like 50 to 60 girls so up, and even some cute guys! But alas, we only rep women! I walked out and I felt like one of the judges on American Idol, and all I kept thinking was who am I gonna be today? Paula or Simon? I've been to ALOT of auditions in my day and I know what it's like to stand in line and have someone take one look at you and say NO right away, so I played the part of Paula this time around. I called upon my powers of working in one of the busiest cosmetics stores in the U.S. and also my great acting skills, I mixed in a couple of dashes of ersatz caring and understanding, I sipped some water, popped and Advil and worked my piece of gum like there was no tomorrow! I smiled at each and every one of those girls. I made the trolliest of the troll feel like a superstar! All these poor girls wanting to be models, not because it's their passion, but " All my friends say I should be a model..." Well, you better get new friends, cuz my friends always tell me the truth, they say "Fina, you a bitter old queen and Lord knows we love you! But we can't stand having you around our boyfriends, you're too beautiful and we're afraid that you're gonna steal our husbands, so mija, you gots to go!" And that my queridos is why I don't have any friends...but I digress. Where was I? Oh, yeah, the "models". Not one of the other people in the office offered to help with my zoo, I was all alone against a herd of America's Next Tacky Model. Needless to say, I got through all the girls, not even finding one good candidate, I mean even the best of the worst is, doesn't compare with some of the girls that we have on our boards. And the sad thing is, these girls are not ugly or hideous, most are of above average beauty, and even then it's not enough. Being above 5'9" does not make you it model, and trying to tell me that you're 5'8" when you're really 5'6" is not gonna work, if I stand up and you're still shorter than me and your wearing heels, you've got to go! The same goes to my women who are over six feet! I never played basketball and I'm not gonna start coaching the next WNBA team neither! I've had a hell of a week and it's only Tuesday! I can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings, it should be fun! I blame Tyra Banks.
Night! df..

1 comment:

christopher john said...

Divafina, I can't believe that you were nice to those girls! You should have taken out the claws and let them have it!!! Yeah!