Thursday, February 03, 2005

Find someone who will love you more than you love them.

I woke up hella early, with plans to go the gym. However my wrist had other plans. I re-aggravated my wrist that I had sprained a couple of years ago. So I stayed in bed and was a lazy ass. Roommate and I watched television and chatted like old times, it was nice. Got ready to go work and I looked cute, no rushing from the gym and trying to get ready at work. So of course I took way to long and got there just in time. Work was well...Work. I am finding myself trying not to work as hard I as I used too, which is very bad. I need to be re-inspired, by what I have no idea. But I go to talk to my manager and she and I had a great talk about relationships and and penis piercing, I let her in onto some of my experiences and told her that they were indeed fun! But the thing that really fucked me up about the whole conversation was her theory on love. She told me that in order to have a great and lasting partnership with a man, that you need to find one that loves you more than you love them. WHAT!!! Huh? " That way you'll never be in danger of getting your heart broken, and he lives and breathes for you and only you." she looked at me and smiled. And she truly believed in what she was telling me. It's like when I heard my mom tell my sister to find an ugly man because a handsome one will cause you all kinds of pain. She was talking of course about my father. Hmmm. At least I got to go home early.
Today was one of those nights when I finally felt like living here is for real, you know, more permanent. And it was nice, roommate is in Queens with his "boyfriend" and I get to get up in the morning on my time! YES! Nothing more to say...Project Runway is on...Love ya'll DF

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