Friday, June 17, 2005


Shit, thank the heavens that I've lost weight this summer, I don't think that I could stand another season with my legs rubbing together and me being slow and out of breath from all the stairs that one has to climb in this jungle gym we call NYC. I've been busy with work and going to the gym, I'm seeing some great results and I can't wait to get to Minneapolis for rehearsals so I can start to shed more pounds from a week of hardcore dancing. I'm being brave this week and I'm wearing more things with cut off sleeves and flip flops around town. Once the intial gross factor wore off about wearing chanclas, I fell in love with the way that they cool you down. I still haven't mastered running or climbing up stairs with them without losing one or having it fall off and land a few steps below in front of many strangers. I've learned to ask for my Prince Charming and call myself "Cinderella", much the dismay of my fellow strap hangers who probably just roll their eyes at the trendy gay man with dirty feet. A lot has happened and here are some thoughts and bullet points to get everyone caught up.
  • Roommate and I have been working our butts of with this apartment. We've been painting and doing some home improvements all by ourselves. It's funny how we grew up with the most handy of fathers'. Roommates' Dad is a mechanic while mine has worked in everything having to do with manual labor or tools. Between the both of them they can fix anything. So it comes to no surprise to no one but ourselves that we ended up being handy as well. I guess I did learn something those times my father was screaming at me to hold the flashlight, or to hand him a certain tool. Fixing up this place with our own hands makes it that much better, I love walking into a clean bathroom that I helped paint and clean, as well as to practically gut, and feel accomplished.
  • I'm nervous about going to back the "Street" and my old way of life. Especially since the guy who broke my heart when we toured together is going to be in charge of wardrobe, and his current partner which will end up being being his ex-partner after this current tour with be there as well. It's gonna be an interesting ride, I hope I remember to bring the Dramamine.
  • I'm actually happy right now, I'm in a very good place and I can't wait to see what life has in store for me around the corner. I'm doing really well at work. I was nominated to go to an advanced skincare class and I passed my pre-test with flying colors. Watch out now!!
  • I'm afraid to go to auditions. I never used to be and here I am in the theatre capital of the world and I can't get to the audition. I'm going to have to work on that one. I think I've put a lot of emphasis on my weight, and now with it almost gone I'm scared that my crutch is not going to be there. ^shrugs^

Well that's about it for now, I've got to be at work at 6am. I love ya'll! DF.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jose, I totally feel you there with the auditions! I've lost 20 lbs this year and I've always said in the past, "When I lose 20 lbs, I will be audition-ready and I will try to get back in the game." But am I doing that? Nope, still working in a cubicle. Still not singing a note. Still not auditioning. We need to help each other!! When do you leave for tour?!
