Friday, June 10, 2005

I'm cool....I'm COOL...

Been busy, as usual, all week. We have cable and internet again, so life is getting even better in this apartment. We put up the A/C and took out the radiator to give us more space in the living room. I'm already tapped out with money, even after my Dad sent me some cash. I was able to get things that I needed, and honestly not having a decent grocery store in our area is really putting a strain on us for food and what not. I can't wait to get the rest of our items out of the boxes and set up. I swear that I had all this great inspirational shit that I had planned to write out, but right now I'm really just enjoying NYC, it's an experience walking around my new 'hood checking out the people and the styles that come with this territory. I had my roommate cut my hair to be like the cool kids, and I must say with all the weight that I've been losing I am now getting looks and glances at the gym and on the street. I had forgotten what that was like, funny. When I was in my prime I took my body and looks for granted, I knew that men looked at me and that I could basically walk into bar and hook up or get approached for my phone number. So when I gained all the weight I realized that I didn't have those powers anymore and I basically went into hibernation with my sexuality. I became that chubby, quick-witted, loud friend that makes the everyone laugh and drinks entirely too much. Now I am older and I hope that I've learned my lesson and start to open up and stop being the aloof one who just stands there and sips his drink with an arched eyebrow. Cheetah is awake and she's ready to roar and pounce, it's been YEARS since I've even dated anyone and I think that it's time I get myself back on the market. I'm tired and I have no idea what I'm talking about, I work late manana and I can't wait to sleep DF

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