Saturday, December 10, 2005

Brokeback Mountain..

I'm at the airport right now, waiting for my flight since I got here two hours early. I'm going to Chicago for a modeling convention that I just found out I was going to a couple of days ago.
So last night we went to catch the opening night of Brokeback Mountain, there were a bunch of gays in my group and one REAL lady. I've been waiting for this movie for over a year now and I can't begin to tell you how moved I was by the short story, hence the reason why we bought our tickets a week in advance. I had never seen so many different types of gay men at a mainstream movie theatre before, or sure, there are tons when you go the "gay" indie flick that flashes a male frontal, but a theatre where next door they're playing Harry Potter? We got there an hour early and were first in line, I had butterflies in my stomach, and couldn't be happier to share this movie with my clan, minus a few brown children. Okay, I don't want to ruin the movie or give it fagged out review of it, I just want to try and touch upon the impact it had on me, even at 8am, Roommate and I woke up talking about it.
This was one of the quietest films that I've ever been at, more so than The Ring, cuz everyone there was too afraid to do much else than breathe.
Ang Lee, the director, mutes us with the beauty of the Wyoming landscape and makes us appreciate God and all his wonders. He makes you feel and understand how small man is when it comes to nature. Jake Gylenhaal and Heath Ledger play the main characters, Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, respectively. Jake plays Jack with big eyes and desperate quality, like he's always searching and scavanging for human contact or emotion, he did a fine job. It was his best acting performance to date. Heath Ledger blew me away in this part, I can't even being to describe how amazing he was, I didn't see Heath Leadger up there, I saw Ennis and for that I was in awe of his acting skills. He doesn't have many lines, but when he does speak it's for a reason and you better listen. Ang took us through a rollercoaster of emotions and somehow made a 50 page short story into a 2 hour masterpiece. I can't figure out how I want to finish this review, but I do have to board a plane, I will leave you with this. It was a love story, and it makes you think about your past, present and future. Even though their love was painful, it was also a very powerful thing that I hope to one day have, except with all the pain and loss.
I'm off to Chicago peeps...
Brokeback music

1 comment:

christopher john said...

What a crazy emotional rollercoaster that movie was. Read my blog. . . that's all I can say.