Monday, February 20, 2006

'It done frozed up on us....'

It was six degrees!!

I'm sore and I can barely move. After months of not being a gym rat, trying to go out and snowboard for the first time really took it's toll on me. I'm bruised all over and can barely sit down without grimacing and grunting. I don't want to write all about it, because the pictures are worth a thousand words and then some. I do want to mention that Trannie, Red and I pitched in for a private lesson with the hottest snowboarded on that mountain! His name was John and he was sweet, caring and patient. Because of my dance background I was the star pupil on the novice hill, and somehow felt that I could take the lift to the top of the hill and make it down it one piece. Well I was wrong, what usually takes 10 mintues to come down took me and hour to accomplish. #3 was there trying to give me support, but I ended up telling him to leave me alone and I would figure out a way down. I finally gave myself a pep talk and came down that BrokeAss Mountain like a pro, though I have no idea I how I did it! I had brusies and ice on my culo! We ended up getting hammered at MaryAnn's in Chelsea, to soften the pain. I can't wait to go back!! df

6am and haven't had coffee yet.


Red and Trannie At MaryAnn's

Number 1 and 3!! Getting drunk!

HOT John!!

Superstar of the day! Dad, strapped on a snowboard and became a pro in under five mintues!! Way to go DAD!!


Anonymous said...

I am still bitter about Dad's snowboarding prowess. And yes, I am still unable to bend over. *love* snowboarding. - Red

Elsa Martinez said...

it's me: Elsa from San Diego!! i am going to read your entire blog so i can catch up with your life!! is that your REAL dad??? Que guapo!!!