Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I heart NY.

I loved today!!! It was warm, it was sunny and it was nice. The weather made everyone nice!! Roommates' "boyfriend" woke up and got me coffee, went to the studio and took a great class. Meat up with Leeto and walked around UWS, had lunch, dropped him off at the MET and walked home. Roommate is in Queens and I got the place to myself! I can't believe how much I missed this kind of weather, it really does make a difference on your emotional and mental health. Here's to manana being 70 degrees! I'm gonna wear shorts! Yes I am! Anyhow, I'm also addicted to Friendster, I've found SO many friends from back in the day. It's weird how some of us all are connected. I'm gonna have a great week at work I can feel it! Also Roommate says he wants to stay in NYC, so now the hunt begins for another fierce apartment...well I gotta go to bed kids, I gotta go to the gym manana. Love..df

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