Friday, April 22, 2005

You're too emotional.

I've been told that a lot this week, and not because I've been flying off the handle. I've been totally chill and easy going all week. I just happened to have some meetings with certain managers and they feel that I cannot take the next step with my company until I learn to check my emotions, or somehow become emotion-less. Wow, bad enough I'm a bit unnerved at work as it is, now I have to be told that everything about you is great, just change who you are. I can't help that! I'm Mexican and a performer, we thrive on emotion and I had to learn to show emotion, now I've got to learn how to put it away? I don't know how I feel about that. And I've been a feeling sick, I think it's allergies, the weather was hot in the beginning and now it's cold. So I've got some congestion and drainage. I've also sent an email to my prior employer to possibly get on my old tour if it went international, I was told that I would have to send in a video as well as a new full body picture and agree to a weight limit. So I agreed, am I selling out? I'm not sure.
Apartment hunting is going, I guess. It's just so hard and expensive, I just want to move and find a place that's gonna be better or at least cuter than this one. sigh, I can't wait for #3 to come back, I miss him dearly and need his guidance. I'll write better stuff df

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