Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Welcome to Harlem U.S.A.!

The picture reads " Welcome To Harlem U.S.A." Roommate and I went around Uptown yesterday and walked around forever! We found out where we don't want to live and also where we possibly could, some cute areas with some not so cute areas. This marquee was in Harlem and I thought that it was perfect for that neighborhood. I'm also extremely sore from a boxing class that I took on Sunday, it was so much fun!!! I think I found my new passion, I want to be the first openly gay boxer in the world, except that I don't want to fight or get hit. I just want to take class and look good. Woke up and went to the gym and then went to meet up with Hollywood from work and went to see Leeto in the Easter Bonnet Competition for Broadway Cares. He was fierce! He was in a leeto-est drag queen. Had dinner and then came home and went online to look for more apartments, we went and looked at a one that is on the same block we are now but a few blocks south and it seems cute and bearable. I'm feeling really good and I'm sure it has to do with the weather, but I still need more from work. More everything, you know? Like money and direction and encouragement. sigh... I don't know what else to write, Beaches is on and I love this movie. My Roommate is laying on the bed, he's dead, I mean, "lifeless". But he's doing good, he wishes that everyone could be on "happy pills."
I'm off, ya'll have a goodnight..love df

1 comment:

This Angels Life said...

Hello from the land of the setting sun. Or as it's more commonly referred to, the land of a thousand rolled tacos. Lolo, AKA Divafina, just wanted to say hello, and say that if you move Harlem, your life will finally have gone 360 degrees. Make sure that you get a little place on a street that is blocked up by a wall. That way, when I come out to visit, we can play "The Woman of Brewster Place". Hehehe. Como la flor, Angel