Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Another Opening, Another Show!

So we opened this morning to a three show Wednesday. It's harsh, but all the performers on this tour are veterans and can get through it. It's sort of the like the march of the dinosaurs, everyone is awesome at what they do, but we are also old and snap, crack and moan. We've all been in costumes for a while and know how to work it. Anyhow, today our live performer Rei, pronounced Lei, gave everyone in the cast a traditional Japanese gift when you open a show. It was a cute black box with her name and good luck on the cover in her language. Inside was real sushi, not the kind that we're used to back home, you know California Rolls and such. This was full on stuff that was still moving and came neatly packaged like it was from a picture. The only person besides my Asian roommate to eat it, was I think, me. I decided that when I got off the plane I would try almost anything from this culture, and since I'm a Goonie, am not afraid to try new things.
Here are the pics from me eating it, I finished all of it. I feel fine and a little proud of myself. I just hope that I can finish the next two shows without hurting myself. We also have an opening night party from the promoters and I will try not to make a fool of myself. Hopefully the sushi won't make my body freak out. I gotta run, write more later, I'll be taking pics at the you df.

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