Sunday, August 28, 2005

Some Pictures from Japan...

This was one of the pages from a childre's coloring book that was giving to me from one of my cast members, it really is Found Porn. I don't think that the people who drew this had me in mind, nor do I think I even have to point it out how homo this is...or do I?

The toilet on here is not your ordinary run of the mill toilet. He has a bidet added to him and I named him Henry. He is probably one of the things that I'm gonna miss the most, he even had a seat warmer! I need to get one of those. I post more as time goes on, have fun...DF.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dawn Eden's Blog On: Think big! HS twins tell peers
Most high schoolers' blogs are the online equivalent of perfumed diaries or locker-room walls - outlets for teens to gossip, confess and network with their pals.
Nice to see some decent content for a change. FYI, I log on today and see that we've got a new feature, the 'Flag blog' button, which is inconveniently located between the 'Get Your Own Blog' and 'Next Blog' buttons so that we would presumably be getting some flags on error alone (although if one happens to notice it, you can unflag a blog) But that's a trivial matter. What concerns me is this: When a person visiting a blog clicks the "Flag?" button in the Blogger Navbar, it means they believe the content of the blog may be potentially offensive or illegal. We track the number of times a blog has been flagged as objectionable and use this information to determine what action is needed. This feature allows the blogging community as a whole to identify content they deem objectionable. Ok, see the problem with this? What's "objectionable." I'm guessing there are a good deal of people that would likely deem my blog to be objectionable; and there lies the problem: what is objectionable and what is subjective. Just my 2 cents, Iron On Embroidered Patches