Saturday, August 06, 2005


I'm here in a JAPAN!! Actually I'm at the Tokyo airport waiting for the rest of my group to arrive. I haven't had much sleep, it's a twelve hour time difference here and for some reason people think that I speak and understand Japanese. I guess I must look Asian with my tired eyes. I hated flying Northwest Airlines, the flight attendants were horrible, except for the one gay guy who I had yell at some kids that were fucking with the bathrooms. The movies didn't work and neither did that pain killer with the two bottles of white wine that I had. I could not fall asleep. Funniest thing that happened before we took off, I was praying with my rosary and I forgot the prayers, couldn't bring up any memories for Hail Mary, or the Our Father. I kept jumping in and out of the flag salute and some prayer in Spanish that my grandma used to make me say when I was little. I'm tired, and we are on our way to airport....Sayonara!! DF.

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