Thursday, August 18, 2005


I haven't had internet access for a couple of days now and let me tell you that I wouldn't have had time anyways to write. After the party on Sunday we all went out to go dancing and get some drinks. We all got down up and we went OUT!! I spent around 1,000 yen, which comes out to about 100 dollars. I was SO drunk that I couldn't walk or talk but somehow I was still trying to go around and ask the people at some straight bar that we were at if they knew where the gay bars where at. All I kept getting were some blank stares and quick and hushed excuses, the only thing I found was this beat down tranny who ended thinking that I was cute and kept buying me drinks, shit, I'll sit with a tranny for a spell if she buy me some Coronas. The next day we went off on some great adventure and had some fun..I'm gonna bullet point the rest because I'm not on my computer and can't load up pictures.

  • I Hart Bullet Trains- We took the high speed bullet trains to Nagoya from Tokyo and it was the must eye catching ride ever, we saw the country side and the ocean as well as some amazing houses. The ride was over two hours but the train was so clean and passenger friendly that it puts anything that the U.S. has to shame, the only thing that we couldn't stand was that for some reason, in most parts of Japan, the don't believe in air conditioning.
  • Earthquake on stage!!!- In the northern part of Japan there was a big earthquake about 7.5 on the Richter scale. We are so far south, luckily, that we didn't feel anything, we were on stage when it happened and only felt some weaving and we thought that we were just tired form having to do three shows in one day again. I didn't get a chance to call everyone and tell them that we were all alright until a day later when the news hit the U.S., but as you all know, I'm from California, I eat earthquakes for breakfast.
  • TIRED!!- Slept for 12 hours last night, and had a travel day today. I got most of my shopping done for souvenirs today at an antiques market infront of temple in Nagoya. And I also got the rest done here in Osaka. I got some great things for some lucky people back home. I ran out of my per diem today, and I think that I did well considering all the stuff that came out of it, namely a camera and all of the crap for other people. I gotta get off this thing my time is almost up...write more df

1 comment:

This Angels Life said...

Dearest D.F.,

Haven't they deported you yet?
