Wednesday, September 14, 2005

" Feel this skin.... Are you going through it?"

Let me catch everyone up on what's been happening in my life since last I posted. I went to straight to work at my "real" job after completing my freelancing gig with the modeling agency without having a day off. My gym schedule was also thrown off but I managed to have some good times with friends over the last couple of days, I will bullet point to get in as much as possible.
  • Paris is Burning: All the children to the floor!! #3 bought this movie on Friday since it was finally released on DVD. We spent Friday night watching it and it was funny to watch this movie after so many years and finding out that my gay vernacular was affected by this movie. We decided that we have our own house and the house is named Jose. I am Divafina from the House of Jose. Also it was queer to find out that almost everyone around me bought that DVD, from Roommate to Friend and others. It was a voguing weekend.." Are you going through it?"
  • Caught smoking: So I started smoking again in Japan and it came back with me. I haven't made it a big deal, but #3 caught me smoking a cigarette on Saturday while I waited for the crew to make it to dinner. I felt like I was seven again and my mom caught me with a cigarette in the backyard, there was a moment where I forgot that I was a grown man and not a child. It's nice to have people care about your health. I know that I will quit again, especially since I almost passed out on the treadmill yesterday.
  • Hooligans and beer: Sunday was a busy day at the store and I finally got a chance to go out and catch a movie with Tam. We had been trying to catch the movie Green Street Hooligans with Elijah Wood. I enjoyed the film, it was like a Football Fight Club, at least that's what Tam said. I have to remember that I live in New York now and that I have to get used to people talking through that whole thing. During very emotional and intense moments people would cat call the screen with "Frodo" or " My Precious". It was not needed, but we dealt with and almost froze to death inside the theatre. Tam and I then went to drink beer from tap because we were inspired by the movie. As we were walking to the bar we noticed these two piercing beams of light that shone into the sky and I was reminded that it was the fourth anniversary of the 9/11. I stopped to take pictures and my camera didn't do it justice. Tam and I got drunk off of beer, and had some great talk about my future and what I want to do, he told me that if I was offered a job with the modeling agency then I should take it because I was happier doing something that used and showcased my talents. It was just great to hear some good feedback from a friend and co-worker. It also marked the fourth anniversary of my fathers' artificial heart valve operation, so I called him while I walked home and wished him a happy fourth birthday, since he was dead for a few minutes during that operation and he was sort of reborn with a new heart.
  • Day off...of everything!:I had the day off on Monday with plans to go to the gym and walk around and enjoy my day in Central Park. Well I received a call from my friend who worked at the modeling agency and he called to tell me that I was being offered a job with the his agency. I cried, it was weird being offered a job that you didn't go after, so of course I said yes and I planned to call on Tuesday so I could meet up with his boss and discuss pay and benefits. After that call I couldn't leave the apartment, I was freaking out, I started to doubt myself and my abilities and had to stay inside and watch television. But once Roommate came home he brought back down to earth and helped me through my episode.
  • BBQ and The Cock: Went to the gym on this day off and got called into the modeling agency to have a meeting with the director. She made me wait for almost two hours before we had our meeting outside over a cigarette. Called #3 and went over to his place where we decided to go out and have dinner and drinks and celebrate my good fortune. Tam met up with us and we got a little tipsy and ended up at the Urge and the New Cock. Tacky Go-Go boys and one with an eggplant dick kept #3 entertained. Tam was right about this job and he was supportive with my decision to drop down to on call at the store. Stumbled home drunk and passed out.
  • Humid and gross: Went to work late, it is mugging. There is another hurricane messing up out weather here, and it's effecting my joints. I'm turning into an old lady who swears that they can feel rain coming from their knees, which I do. Deposited a check and came home early from work. Just chilling and catching up with friends on the phone. Happy to know that this is my last week at the store and then I get to start my new gig. Also think that it's funny that some of my friends have started blogs after reading mine, want to welcome them to the blogsphere, even if I did have to help them name one. I'm off to you guys...df

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