Monday, November 07, 2005

Barely there

Woke up this morning feeling really good, skipped to work and just handled everything as best as possible. Today went by SO slow, I wanted to leave in the middle of the day because there really wasn't much to do. I kept myself busy with little projects but I would finish those and then have nothing to do, I can't wait til Manny gets back tomorrow morning. Came home and put my pajamas on and made pasta and watched television. Bored, so I guess I'll give you guys another heart wrenching poem that I thought was SO deep back then, but now it's just pathetic. So here we go!

Drink You Away
written March 7, 2003

i want to drink you
poison the memories
and pain.
wash away your smiles
and caring words.
drown your beautiful
eyes in a pool of
indifference and liquor.
tequila seizures
vacillate me from sobs to
as my Mexican roots take
hold...and shake me
with their hairy fingers.
growing ever stronger
grasping at the weeds
of your love and
constricting my heart
from feeling...I am numb.
waning eyelids blur you
from my vision.
slurred words hide my
an empty glass is
my enemy..
a drop of water is
not to be had..
in the end i
stagger to sleep..
on a bed..on the floor..
a park bench
makes no difference.
my comfort for slumber
is smoky clothes
and hair..stale breath..
acidic belch.
the only sure thing
i can count on
is the head and
stomach ache when
i wake..
i want to drink you away.

DUDE!!! What the fuck!! I can't believe I wrote that shit! That one goes out to all my people who have ever just wanted people to leave them the fuck alone while the tied one on and cried in their beers and played that same song over and over. I, for one, would grab my bottle of Tequila and wrap myself in my Mexican flag, put on some Selena or Vincente Fernandez and just cry it out. I would light my Virgin Mary candle, and my roommate would just leave me alone. He knew that I was going to be Mexican and do some soul searching. You can blame me Dad for this trait, I learned it from him. And it always works.
Love ya'll.... goodnight...df.

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