Tuesday, March 08, 2005

" ...I jounced the limb."

Monday was a good day. Watched more movies, went to the gym and spent QT with roommate. The weather was good, walked around with a only a light jacket and my small scarf. Today is a different story, it is snowing and it's freaking cold!!! All the climate change has given me yet another sore on my lip that I get when I'm stressed out or in temperature changes. My love for the city will soon come back, along with the spring weather.
I'm at the dance studio library, babysitting, and I'm reading A Separate Peace again. I haven't read this book since high school and I'm starting to think that it wasn't the right book for me to read back then. I was upset when everyone in my class sided with Finny and not with Gene. I had thought of Finny as a huge show off and secretly I had thought maybe he got what he deservesd. Well it's different now reading it as a 27 yr old man. I was a very upset little 16 year old boy. The whole " jounce the limb.." line back then really meant alot to me, I used to write it on everything. I would write it on masking tape and put it on my shirt and walk around school. My own silent rebellion against the norm, or so I thought. I was just angry and I'm quickly getting a better insight on this story as I read on. A lot of emotions in this book are being brought back up and I can't wait to finish it...More on that later..df

1 comment:

Divafina said...

for some reason my old roommate Gary couldn't write his comment..we shall try again...love df..
Its kind of funny how you are still the same person but are this completely different entity 10 years later. Your views change and your ideas of what life is supposed to be like shifts with the tide. Looking back at my past 10 years I don't feel any more mature or wiser - just older and I start to think how unaware I was back then - isn't that crazy?