Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My life in boxes

It's still wet and unseasonably cold here in NYC. We now do not have any place to live and it's killing me and Roommate. I don't know where to forward my mail to or where I am going to wake up on Sunday morning. But we're doing pretty well considering my penchant for histrionics over the littlest thing. I'm just doing my work and letting God do the rest. I hung out Tam last night and we saw Revenge of the Sith, I'm not sure if I liked it or not, but I was happy to have closure on my youth. It was cool to have most of my questions answered and to also see the birth of Darth Vader and the twins. Our apartment is getting full of boxes and it's so fitting that every May for the past I don't know how many years, my life has changed during this month, I always have to move or run from something. So we have this apartment with all these little boxes laying around, this is who we are. Boys trying to become men who's lives fit into little containers that have no where to be put. It trips me out to think that when my father was my age I wasn't even a thought in his mind. I won't the age that he had me for about five years. What else have I forgotten? I'm going to JAPAN!!!!! I made the cut, and now I get to go overseas with a bunch of my friends and have the best summer vacation EVER! Well I'm off to sleep and hopefully conjure up some good luck. Night, df.

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