Monday, May 30, 2005

Nuggins, Knobs and Cribbage...OH MY!!!

I had a great time this weekend, cleaning and painting. My new apartment is coming along pretty well. I'm out of money so my cell phone has been turned off until I can pay the bill, which will prolly be Friday. I don't mind it one bit, except that I'm trying to get my stuff together for Japan, so it might get a little difficult to finalize things. We also may have to wait a while for cable, seeing as we need to spend our money on things that we need, paint and new shelves or furniture. I've been spending time with #3 and husband, we had a marvelous time at the Central Park. We had a picnic and drank wine, I think I gained forty pounds! Husband tried to teach us Cribbage, for those of you that don't know what that is, it's this tacky British game that I did not want to learn. I was too distracted by the HOT boys that were playing Frisbee and throwing the football around. I'm going to upload photos later. The boys were out today! Another cool sidenote, I've been wearing #3's clothes because all my shit is boxed up and in the bedroom that we will hopefully get painted manana. So it's cool that I can fit into smaller clothes, which means I have to get new smaller clothes for summer. I am so happy and at peace right now and I have all my friends to thank for that....goodnight..df

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