Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Oprah makes you cry.....

I've been really busy since Saturday and I can't even begin to write down everything that is going on in my life right now. I'll give some quick bullet points.

  • Still looking for a new apartment with Roommate and it's coming down to the wire and I'm getting a little scart. I hope that we can find something soon, I'm tired of searching. I also hope that when we find a place, that I can find a way to come up with some money to put down on the new place.
  • WORK!!! I'm so tired of working and working so hard not having anything to show for it. I need to possibly start looking for new employment. I feel that what I have to offer a potential employer is worth a whole shit load more than what I'm currently getting.
  • I can fit into my size 33 jeans that I haven't been able to fit into since my first tour. I can't believe it, I almost cried when I could button the pants and walk around without any complications. It totally inspired me to work even harder and hit the gym more, I want to wear cute outfits this summer. And I will.
  • I read two books last week. One was Dry by Augusten Burroughs, it was fantastic. I swept through that book and I couldn't put it down. It was about him getting over alcoholism and more importantly it was all true and he's based outta New York City. I also read Light Before Day by Christopher Rice. I didn't really like it that much, it was predictable and too out there for me. I can't tell you about it, because it's a murder mystery.
  • And finally! Oprah makes you cry when you watch her show. Her show today was about making peoples' wildest dreams come true. The first half was about amazing high school seniors that have overcome obstacles to graduate. There was boy with no legs that was walking again, and then twins who's family couldn't afford tuition for them so they were gonna sell the house. But of course Oprah gets them all money and full tuition so they can live their dreams. I was a fucking mess, I thought that my heart was all dried up and made of stone, but Oprah melted it....thanks Oprah.

So now I got friends from tour that I haven't seen in forever coming over and I gotta get cute. I'll write more later..love Fina.

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