Saturday, July 09, 2005

I got, SteamHEAT!!!

I haven't been very good this week with writing everything down as I should be. I'm not gonna make any excuses, when I get home from being me sometimes it all I can do to just turn on the computer and check messages, let alone compose something witty and entertaining. I've had some crazy dreams this week, as well as some nightmares. Mostly the bad ones stemmed from the train bombing in London which sent me into post 9/11 anxiety, I didn't ride on the trains all day yesterday. I finally rode one today after work to the gym. Speaking of gym, I am having a difficult time approaching boys that I think are cute. Like today, I just came off the treadmill after running for two miles and this hot blonde haired, blue eyed, papi blanco was stretching. I was sorta out of breath so I didn't really notice him until I was folded like a pretzel and I happened to look over and he was in the same stretch as me. Now I thought, " Well here's another dancer working it out! Cool, cute too!" Only he seemed to be following everything that I was doing, I was really into my stretch and my music and come to find out I was having a stretch off to see who was more flexible. Um, I'm OLD! I was just using the "oil can" to get my weary joints from freezing up on me, and here is this curly haired Adonis trying to make me work harder. I played along for a while, naturally, until he started doing his splits and all that good stuff and I was over it by then, so I went and started on my shoulders. It was a good day at the gym, especially in the locker room. There were some shenanigans going on today! It must have been the rain and the cool weather that made these boys go crazy with each other. I walked into the steam room, the one with all the signs warning us that we will be thrown out for inappropriate behavior, it's also the one that they added TWO 100 watt bulbs that burn through your eyelids when you close them to relax. Let me give a quick disclaimer, I like to steam my body, my gym doesn't have whirlpool, so this is the next best thing. I also have no desire to lose my membership, this is NYC, it's hella expensive to find a suitable gym that can accommodate what the above average gay man needs. Anyhow, back to the ranch, the boys were not shy and had no trouble getting friendly with each other. I may not join in, but it sure is nice to watch sometimes!! I mean, I AM a gentlemen, far be it from to tell them to stop enjoying themselves!! Heehee...Aight folks there is your escandalo for the day, love DF..

Want to send a shout out to my nigga Lencho, keep your head up homie.
I love you and I always gots your back!!!

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