Thursday, July 28, 2005

When the world's as hot as July, it's the world against you and I.

Those are lyrics from JaRule's song What would I be without you?, I remember that song because I was in Chicago when that song dropped and it made SO much sense then. Up until then I had be living in SoCal and never had a real hot July. Well kids, the summer of '01 has nothing on the summer of '05 in NYC!! The shit here has been to darn hot! I walk around in a haze with my tongue sticking out like some puppy, only I don't have a leash or a hot guy to walk me around my neighborhood. I've been very good this week with hitting the gym before work and trying to eat right. I can't believe that four years ago this week I had packed up all my shit in Chicago and ran away with the people on that block that we all grew up with. I'm also very excited that I'll be on the way to Japan a week from manana. Am I scared? I don't know, partly because this is the first country where I'm not going to know the language and the culture will be foreign to me. So I can't wait to feel like everyone else did when we were in Mexico, Puerto Rico and all over the Southwest. I don't know what else to write, it's Thursday so that means that I have to work the early shift on Friday and my body is telling me to get ready for bed. I have a full weekend planned, I'm meeting friends tomorrow afternoon and then hanging out with the girls in the evening. On Saturday we may be going upstate to go hiking, I know, me hiking! It will be cute and lovely and totally worth getting out of the city. I read a cool quote last night, "Tourists don't know where they've been, travelers don't know where they're going."-Paul Theroux wrote that and I thought that it was very fitting..aight guys...night love df

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