Sunday, July 10, 2005

I Krump for Jesus.....

I've had one day off this past week. I'm trying to makeup for the trip to Minneapolis, so today when we realized that I had basically caught up with the overtime and holiday pay etc., they sent me home a little early. Thanks to the heavens above, I was a little irate and evil today. I walked home and enjoyed the hot weather and sun and came home to find Roommate and his SO hanging out. For lack of a better name I'm gonna start to call him Flaca, he and I went on the roof to smoke a cigarette and look out over the city and talk. Roommate and I decided to run and catch a showing of the David Lachapelle movie Rize, it's an amazing documentary on the Los Angeles area dance movement called "Clowning" or "Krumping". Apparently after the Rodney King riots in the early 90's this guy created this party crew that would do birthdays and basically keep the chilren off the street. Anyhow the story shows how the movement branched out into the " Krumpers", who were once part of the clown groups. They even have this thing called the Battle Zone where they battle rival crews in front of practically all of Watts. What I loved about the movie, besides the pyrotechnic dance moves, was the realness of the people. They were so uninhibited by Mr. Lachapelles' camera that it made them endearing and some of the stories made me tear up a bit. Best line in the movie was Dragon's mom saying that she loves that he Krumps and that she Krumps as well, only she Krumps for Jesus. Go see it!!
Well, let me quickly tell you what happened last night as it was a delicious evening as well. After a long day at work I met up with Leeto and his friends in the West Village. We had a gay ol' time, sitting outside of the Duplex drinking and cat calling at all the boys and laughing at all of the tragedey that comes a walking by on a Saturday evening. There was one great moment when a very brave and misguided soul walked by in a bad auburn wig that was slightly askew, dressed in a brightly colored red carpet no-no ensemble, who's only redeeming quality was the fact that it all was at least in the blue family. As he lumbered on by I happened to think of only one word, BRAVE. To have the bolas to walk in drag in New York is hard, but to do it in BAD drag is fearless. I turned and quickly told my evil queen posse, not to say a damn word! " That bitch threw rocks at the cops at Stonewall! She fought so we could sit outside right now to be catty and campy!" Well she was old, and tired, but damned if I'm gonna let some bitchy queens take our openness for granted. After that little moment of clarity the hooch took over and we set our eyes on the cute men that happen to be walking by, and HONEY!! I loves me some summer in New York. I also walked around and smoked some mota and was in bed by midnight, I am getting old. I gotta work in the morning, this next week is gonna be a another bear, I only have one day off this week, AGAIN!! Roommate went out tonight and I'm jealous, I would have gone as well, but I need to be fresh for manana. Night...df

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